JNI wrapper: XMLAPI and xmlobj

[wftk-j ] [ xml source ] [ discussion ]

package org.wftk;
public class xmlobj extends xml {
   static {

   // ---------------------------------------------
   // Constructors
   // ---------------------------------------------

   // ---------------------------------------------
   // Getting and setting list definition.
   // The list definition is an XML structure which does some of what a DTD should be doing.
   // We simply provide a reference to a regular old "xml" object for this.
   // ---------------------------------------------
   xml _list;
   void define (xml list) {
      this._list = list;
   public xml defn () {
      return this._list;

   // ---------------------------------------------
   // Field reading.
   // ---------------------------------------------
   public native String get (String field);
   public native String key ();
   public native String format (String format);

   // ---------------------------------------------
   // Field writing.  Note that we can choose element or field storage.
   // ---------------------------------------------
   public native void set (String key, String value);
   public native void set_elem (String key, String value);

   // ---------------------------------------------
   // Diff/patch functionality
   // ---------------------------------------------
   public native xmlobj diff (xmlobj changed);
   public native xmlobj undiff (xmlobj diff);
   public native xmlobj patch (xmlobj diff);

   // ---------------------------------------------
   // Versioning functionality
   // ---------------------------------------------

   // ---------------------------------------------
   // Value lists
   // ---------------------------------------------

   // ---------------------------------------------
   // Sorting lists of xmlobj records
   // ---------------------------------------------
   static native xml list_sort (xml[] list, xml defn, String order);
And that, as they say, was that. Our first JNI wrapper effort. W00t. Let's deal with the details now.

This code and documentation are released under the terms of the GNU license. They are copyright (c) 2001-2003, Vivtek. All rights reserved except those explicitly granted under the terms of the GNU license. This presentation was prepared with LPML. Try literate programming. You'll like it.