wftk-j: Remote SOAP Repository

[wftk-j ] [ discussion ]

The Repository class being defined as a abstract class, we need to define one or more implementations to actually use it. The first of these implementations is the RemoteSOAPRepository, which uses the simple SOAP client to communicate with a SOAP server providing wftk services via HTTP -- initially the Python SOAP server, which actually, you know, works. This strategy was proposed by the indomitable Dominik Kreutz of Startext GmbH, and since they were nice enough to give me actually money, I felt it incumbent upon me to do it.

The alternative initial implementation is the LocalJNIRepository. There's a very good chance that it will provide more extensive functionality more quickly, even though the SOAP approach will provide minimal functionality more quickly.

The Repository class, of course, relies on several peripheral classes (entry, list, task) -- but those classes don't care about the implementation of the repository, and are defined at the same level as the abstract Repository.

Let's push some boilerplate and get this show on the road.
// Copyright (c) 2003, Vivtek.
//  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
//  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
//  (at your option) any later version.
//  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//  GNU General Public License for more details.
//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
//  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
Includes are minimal.
package org.wftk;
import java.util.HashMap;
Now down to business.
public class RemoteSOAPRepository extends Repository {
   String server;

   public RemoteSOAPRepository (String server) {
      this.server = server;

   void _get (Entry e) throws WftkException
      //text_log (3, "Get entry " + e.list_id + "[" + e.key + "]");

      simple_soap ss = new simple_soap(server, "get");
      ss.add_parm ("list_id", e.list_id);
      ss.add_parm ("key", e.key);
      if (authtoken != null) ss.add_parm ("auth", authtoken);
      try { ();
      catch (SimpleSOAPException ex) {
         throw new WftkException ("Problem calling SOAP server '" + server + "'");

      //link_log (6, "XML returned", ss.XMLResult);

      e.values = ss.map_value;
   void _get_task (Entry e, String list, String key, String local_key) throws WftkException
      simple_soap ss = new simple_soap(server, "get");
      ss.add_parm ("list_id", list);
      ss.add_parm ("key", key);
      ss.add_parm ("task_key", local_key);
      if (authtoken != null) ss.add_parm ("auth", authtoken);
      try { ();
      catch (SimpleSOAPException ex) {
         throw new WftkException ("Problem calling SOAP server '" + server + "'");

      //System.out.println ("XMLResult: " + ss.XMLResult);

      e.values = ss.map_value;
      //System.out.println (e.values);
      e.key = e.get("key");
      // TODO: delete 'key' value.  (Which isn't a field.)

   String _format (String list_id, String key, String mode) throws WftkException
      simple_soap ss = new simple_soap(server, "get");
      ss.add_parm ("list_id", list_id);
      ss.add_parm ("key", key);
      ss.add_parm ("mode", mode);
      if (authtoken != null) ss.add_parm ("auth", authtoken);
      try { ();
      catch (SimpleSOAPException e) {
         throw new WftkException ("Problem calling SOAP server '" + server + "'");

      return (ss.simple_value);

   void _add (String list, Entry obj) throws WftkException
      simple_soap ss = new simple_soap(server, "add");
      ss.add_parm ("list_id", list);
      if (authtoken != null) ss.add_parm ("auth", authtoken);

      java.util.Iterator iterator = obj.values().iterator();
      String field;
      while (iterator.hasNext()) {
         field = (String);
         ss.add_parm ("fld_" + field, obj.get(field));

      try {;
      catch (SimpleSOAPException e) {
         throw new WftkException ("Problem calling SOAP server '" + server + "'");

      obj.key = ss.simple_value;

   void _merge (String list, Entry obj, String key) {}

   void _mod (String list, Entry obj, String key) throws WftkException
      simple_soap ss = new simple_soap(server, "merge");
      ss.add_parm ("list_id", list);
      ss.add_parm ("key", key);
      if (authtoken != null) ss.add_parm ("auth", authtoken);

      java.util.Collection keys = obj.values.keySet();
      java.util.Iterator iterator = keys.iterator();
      String field;
      while (iterator.hasNext()) {
         field = (String);
         ss.add_parm ("fld_" + field, obj.get(field));
      try {;
      catch (SimpleSOAPException e) {
         throw new WftkException ("Problem calling SOAP server '" + server + "'");

      obj.key = ss.simple_value;

   void _del (String list, String key) {}

   void _list (List l) throws WftkException
      simple_soap ss = new simple_soap(server, "list");
      ss.add_parm ("list_id",;
      if (authtoken != null) ss.add_parm ("auth", authtoken);
      try { ();
      catch (SimpleSOAPException e) {
         throw new WftkException ("Problem calling SOAP server '" + server + "'");


      if (ss.vector_value != null) {
         java.util.Iterator it = ss.vector_value.iterator();
         while (it.hasNext()) {
            if (ss.return_type == 1) {
               l.add_entry ((String);
            } else {
               l.add_entry ((HashMap);

   void _tasks (List t) throws WftkException {
      simple_soap ss = new simple_soap(server, "tasks");
      try { ();
      catch (SimpleSOAPException e) {
         throw new WftkException ("Problem calling SOAP server '" + server + "'");


      if (ss.vector_value != null) {
         java.util.Iterator it = ss.vector_value.iterator();
         while (it.hasNext()) {
            if (ss.return_type == 1) {
               t.add_entry ((String);
            } else {
               t.add_entry ((HashMap);
October 15, 2003: Gereon Fassbender (working with startext GmbH) had a nice idea: there should be an Entry.tasks(). It seems most logical for me to make this an object-get mode as far as the SOAP interface is concerned, but it fits into the OO schema best as a variant on the tasks call; if we call rep.tasks(e) then we get the exact same thing as e.tasks(), which makes perfect sense to me.
   void _tasks (List t, Entry e) throws WftkException {
      simple_soap ss = new simple_soap(server, "get");
      ss.add_parm ("list_id", e.list_id);
      ss.add_parm ("key", e.key);
      ss.add_parm ("mode", "tasks");
      if (authtoken != null) ss.add_parm ("auth", authtoken);
      try { ();
      catch (SimpleSOAPException ex) {
         throw new WftkException ("Problem calling SOAP server '" + server + "'");


      if (ss.vector_value != null) {
         java.util.Iterator it = ss.vector_value.iterator();
         while (it.hasNext()) {
            if (ss.return_type == 1) {
               t.add_entry ((String);
            } else {
               t.add_entry ((HashMap);

   void _todo (List t) throws WftkException {
      simple_soap ss = new simple_soap(server, "todo");
      try { ();
      catch (SimpleSOAPException e) {
         throw new WftkException ("Problem calling SOAP server '" + server + "'");

      if (ss.vector_value != null) {
         java.util.Iterator it = ss.vector_value.iterator();
         while (it.hasNext()) {
            if (ss.return_type == 1) {
               t.add_entry ((String);
            } else {
               t.add_entry ((HashMap);

   boolean _auth (String userid, String passwd) throws WftkException {
      simple_soap ss = new simple_soap(server, "auth");
      ss.add_parm ("userid", userid);
      ss.add_parm ("password", passwd);
      try {;
      catch (SimpleSOAPException e) {
         throw new WftkException ("Problem calling SOAP server '" + server + "'");
      authtoken = ss.simple_value;
      return true;  // TODO: implement authorization failure, along with, you know, security and stuff.

This code and documentation are released under the terms of the GNU license. They are copyright (c) 2001-2003, Vivtek. All rights reserved except those explicitly granted under the terms of the GNU license. This presentation was prepared with LPML. Try literate programming. You'll like it.