Toonbots archive - episode published 20061111

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The clear intent of the metacartoonist is to flummox the naive viewer expecting a mundane minimalism, while the subtlety of the current approach will not be lost on those sufficiently cognizant of the true meaning of the minimalist school; the irony is, of course, lost on those not prepared for that subtlety. Another work of utter mastery from the metacartoonist. To be sure, there will be those upon whom it is wasted. To those, I say: "Fie on thee, o thou of foolish understanding, fie on thee that hast fallen away from Kshatriya duties!" For it is those who have fallen away upon whom these ineffable subtleties are indeed wasted.

The script used to make this toon:
<cartoon panel-h="150" width="700" rowformat="1" tag="toon20061111">
<caption location="top center, down 5, right 100" font-style="italic" text-decoration="line-through" box="no" id="dcaption">DOWNLOAD SAMSUNG BODY PARTS!!!</caption>
<draw shape="scribble" loops="12" stroke="yellow" width="2" area="!dcaption[over]: extend left 20; extend up 20; extend down 20; extend right 20"/>
<panel fill="rgb(151,226,255)" arrow="top">
<draw shape="circle" fill="blue" center="panel: middle, down 10" radius="40" character="circle"/>
<dialog who="circle">Je ne suis pas une circle.</dialog>
<panel fill="rgb(200,200,255)">
<panel fill="white">
<caption location="bottom right" color="blue">NEXT: ... HOLY TOLEDO.</caption>

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