Toonbots archive - episode published 20020614

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The metacartoonist ups the ante on self-referential metatrickery by continuing to ask whether he's on hiatus.

The script used to make this toon:
<cartoon height="1200" width="600" rowformat="1">
  <character name="mao"/>
  <character name="bot"/>
  <character name="lenin" aspect="faceright"/>
  <caption location="top middle" fgcolor="green">Propjevat ce, propjevat ce, proprjevat ce svi, kada nasa milicija pjesmom probudi!</caption>
  <caption location="bottom left" fgcolor="red">Freak.</caption>
  <caption location="bottom right" fgcolor="red">We need a new Oracle, Mao.</caption>
  <caption location="top middle" fgcolor="green">Legal, illegal, scheissegal!</caption>
  <caption fgcolor="blue" location="bottom center">AND SO....</caption>
  <caption fgcolor="blue" location="top center">... OUR INTREPID PROTAGONISTS JOURNEY TO QUERY A BETTER ORACLE</caption>
  <character name="lenin" aspect="faceright"/>
  <character name="al" aspect="2 faceleft"/>
  <caption fgcolor="red" location="bottom center">Is the metacartoonist currently on hiatus or just really slow?</caption>
  <caption fgcolor="blue" location="top right">All I know is that I lost Florida, <br/>and things just went downhill after that.</caption>
  <caption fgcolor="green" location="bottom center" size="10">Do not adjust your sentence, it does not measure its oration, in LA you know where that's at.</caption>
  <caption fgcolor="red" location="top left" size="10">Shut up about the oration already.</caption>
  <character name="lenin" aspect="faceleft"/>
  <caption fgcolor="red" location="top center" size="10">Jeez, Mao, take it easy.</caption>
  <caption fgcolor="blue" location="top right" size="10">And now I don't even get      <br/>the screen time I used to.</caption>
  <caption fgcolor="blue" location="bottom center">AND SO....</caption>
  <caption fgcolor="red" location="top left" size="10">I just hate this hiatus-not-hiatus garbage.</caption>
  <character name="lenin" aspect="faceright"/>
  <character name="al" aspect="2 faceright"/>
  <character name="dot"/>
  <caption fgcolor="blue" location="bottom right">You think I get told?</caption>
  <caption fgcolor="blue" location="bottom center">AND SO....</caption>
  <character name="chick"/>
  <caption fgcolor="grey" location="bottom right">Dunno.</caption>
  <caption fgcolor="blue" location="bottom center">AND SO....</caption>
  <character name="osama"/>
  <caption fgcolor="black" location="bottom right">I do not know, inshallah.</caption>
  <caption fgcolor="blue" location="bottom center">AND....</caption>
  <caption fgcolor="green" location="top left" size="10">He's a real nowhere man<br/>sitting in his nowhere land</caption>
  <caption fgcolor="red" location="bottom left" size="10">That's the first coherent thing you've said.</caption>
  <character name="tirdun"/>
  <caption fgcolor="blue" location="top right" size="11">Heck, I even gave him some material four months ago      <br/>and still haven't seen doodley.</caption>
  <caption fgcolor="green" location="top left" size="10">Isn't he a bit like you and me?</caption>
  <caption fgcolor="red" location="bottom left" size="10">Speak for yourself.  I ran the largest country on the planet once.</caption>
  <character name="dubya"/>
  <character name="al" aspect="1 faceright"/>
  <caption fgcolor="blue" location="bottom right">Meta, uh, what now?</caption>
  <caption fgcolor="red" location="bottom left" size="10">Getting a tad crowded in this storyline.</caption>

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