Toonbots archive - episode published 20010830

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The stakes have been raised in cartoon meta-awareness with this bold new characterization statement by the metacartoonist. Rather than allow the reader to be lulled into a default suspension of disbelief, he plunges his strip headlong into the murky waters of self- realization, not to mention opens himself up to a great deal of union difficulties. And OSHA. And ... come to think of it, when was the last time I was paid? You can't get paid, you're me. Aha! You again! I want satisfaction and I want it now! Oh, give it a rest, I can't afford to pay you, either, especially since you're me. Oh really! Step outside and say that! OK, I will, you wimp! BIFF! TIFF! JPEG! GIF! (*&@(&$(&$*(&OIUWEORIU@*&%+++ NO CARRIER

The script used to make this toon:
<cartoon height="1000" width="850" rowformat="1-2-2">
<character name="dot"/>
<caption location="top middle" fgcolor="blue">Due to circumstances beyond our control, the
metacartoonist has neglected to update the strip.  It's not our fault.  Really.  I guess Jay
and Silent Bob are just, MORE IMPORTANT.</caption>
<caption location="top middle" fgcolor="blue">How was that?  Happy?</caption>
<caption location="bottom middle" fgcolor="orange">When did you get so angry?  I didn't
create you this angry.  Is it that pay scale thing?  You know I can't afford to pay you what
Herold pays Butch.</caption>
<caption location="top middle" fgcolor="blue">Don't give me that.  Even that hack Damonk pays his
people better than you do.</caption>
<caption location="bottom middle" fgcolor="orange">Dot, half of his people just escaped.  Haven't you
been paying attention?  And look at BoxJam.  He doesn't pay his people anything.</caption>
<caption location="top middle" fgcolor="blue">Geez, boss, BoxJam IS his people!  Well, and his family.
They're not stunt doubles, you know.</caption>
<caption location="bottom middle" fgcolor="orange">OK, OK, how can I make it up to you?</caption>
<caption location="top middle" fgcolor="blue" size="4">RUeroiuseoiufsoiuwer bzzbbzbbzz</caption>
<caption location="bottom middle" fgcolor="orange">What?  I can't hear what you--</caption>
<caption location="top middle" fgcolor="blue" size="24">I SAID, HOOK ME UP WITH THAT HUNK MIKEY FROM UNTITLED AGAIN!</caption>
<caption location="top middle" fgcolor="orange">... Dot, Mikey is a stick figure.</caption>
<caption location="bottom middle" fgcolor="blue">Rrrowr.</caption>

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