Toonbots archive - episode published 20010828

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In a blisteringly sudden abandonment of yet another storyline, the metacartoonist gives the strip free reign. After all, it knows the way over the river and through the woods to Grandmother's house without any help from the rest of us!

The script used to make this toon:
<cartoon height="1400" width="800" rowformat="1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-2">
<character name="lenin" aspect="faceright"/>
<character name="fidel"/>
<caption location="top middle" fgcolor="blue">Je sais, this whole thing's meant in jest, but still,
confrere, I must protest!<br/>As of the end of June the last, my Toonbots screentime's been
<character name="mao"/>
<caption location="top right" fgcolor="red">That's true, my man, last episode you started up with
such an od-<br/>ious and lengthy story arc -- and really left us in the dark.</caption>
<caption location="bottom left" fgcolor="red">Yes, but can't you two just see there's more to this
than only me?</caption>
<caption location="top left" fgcolor="red">After all, a story arc is more than walking in the park.<br/>
It brings in readers!  Relevance!  It's funnier than dropping pants!</caption>
<caption location="top middle" fgcolor="blue">Mon ami, we'd never stoop to dropping pants or showing ... dup-<br/>licated heads or
anything like that.  Or Freds.</caption>
<character name="lenin2" rel-h="50">
<draw type="image" file="lenin.gif" face="left"/>
<caption location="top right" fgcolor="red">That's true.  That sort of crass behavior's guaranteed to
miss the savorier<br/>mass of fandom, simply due to their great need for continu-</caption>
<caption location="bottom right" fgcolor="red">ity and little things like that.</caption>
<character name="ilya" aspect="hatted"/>
<caption location="top right">Da!  Never go for Bear in Hat!</caption>
<caption location="top middle" fgcolor="red" size="20">AND HE IS, HE IS ALL UP ON THE FENCE<br/>
<character name="lenin" action="leaves"/>
<character name="mao" action="leaves"/>
<character name="lenin2" action="leaves"/>
<character name="fidel" action="leaves"/>
<character name="ilya" action="leaves"/>
<caption location="middle" fgcolor="orange" size="12">Sponsored by the Jihad Campaign to Preserve
Toonbots Irrationality Campaign, All Rights Reserved, 5 cents return in Maine and Vermont, batteries not
included, professional driver on closed track, your mileage may vary, void where prohibited by local
or natural law, so mote it be.</caption>
<character name="al" aspect="2"/>
<character name="dot"/>
<caption location="top right" fgcolor="blue">Are they gone yet?</caption>
<caption location="bottom left" fgcolor="blue">Not yet.  Smile!</caption>
<character name="al" aspect="1"/>

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