Toonbots archive - episode published 20010129

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In yet another stunning break with tradition, the metacartoonist experiments with panel layout, thereby breaking new ... what? ... Oh? ... You don't say. Of all the ---

That lousy upstart Damonk13 seems to have made some crude pen-and-ink scribblings which some of the folks here in the studio seem to think predate the glorious innovation of the metacartoonist.

The script used to make this toon:
<cartoon height="600" width="600" rowformat="3">
   <caption location="top left" size="15">Help!  I'm trapped in my own comic!</caption>
   <caption location="top middle" size="15">Help!  I'm trapped in my own comic!</caption>
   <character name="dot"/>
   <caption location="bottom middle" fgcolor="blue" size="18">What the.... ?</caption>
   <caption location="top right" size="15" direction="down">Help!  I'm trapped in my own comic!</caption>

   <character name="dot" action="leaves"/>
   <caption location="bottom middle" fgcolor="blue" size="18">He's such a help.</caption>
   <caption location="top left" size="15" direction="up">Help!  I'm trapped in my own comic!</caption>
<panel linestyle="none">
   <caption location="top right" fgcolor="blue">see?</caption>
   <caption location="bottom right" fgcolor="blue" direction="down">The panels</caption>
   <caption location="bottom left" fgcolor="blue" direction="upside-down">go around</caption>
   <caption location="top left" fgcolor="blue" direction="up">this way,</caption>
   <character name="hick"/>
   <character name="dot" action="returns"/>
   <caption location="top middle" fgcolor="blue" size="18">What is it?</caption>
   <caption location="bottom left" fgcolor="grey" size="18">Dunno.  Ain't got no eyes.</caption>
   <caption location="right" size="15" direction="down">Help!  I'm trapped in my own comic!</caption>

   <caption location="bottom left" size="15" direction="up">Help!  I'm trapped in my own comic!</caption>
   <caption location="bottom middle" fgcolor="grey" size="18">Still dunno.</caption>
   <character name="hick" action="modify">
     <draw name="lefteye" type="ellipse" center="bridge left 7 left 3 down 2" rel-h="3" rel-w="5"/>
     <draw name="righteye" type="ellipse" center="bridge right 7 left 5 down 2" rel-h="5" rel-w="7"/>
   <caption location="bottom middle" size="15" direction="upside-down">Help!  I'm trapped in my own comic!</caption>
   <character name="hick" action="modify">
     <draw name="lefteye" type="ellipse" center="bridge left 7 down 5" rel-h="5" rel-w="7"/>
     <draw name="righteye" type="ellipse" center="bridge right 7 down 5" rel-h="5" rel-w="7"/>
   <caption location="top middle" size="22" fgcolor="grey">Shuh-ZAYUM!</caption>
   <caption location="bottom right" size="15" direction="upside-down">Help!  I'm trapped in my own comic!</caption>
   <character name="hick" action="modify">
     <draw name="lefteye" type="ellipse" center="bridge left 7" rel-h="5" rel-w="7"/>
     <draw name="righteye" type="ellipse" center="bridge right 7" rel-h="5" rel-w="7"/>

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