Toonbots message board: I'm not really back....

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Jenn Mon Sep 27 08:12:56 2004
I'm not really back....

...because I too have a job.

Proof positive that the economy is improving! The little man got two cold calls from a pimp-(ctrl-D ctrl-d ctrl-d ctrl-d) consulting agency, in one week!

Course, he's also got a job.

Bravo on the bots, Michael! I'm glad that Puerto Rico has jogged your creative ability. I am only aware of the Puerto Rico of 'Guys and Dolls' and thus am envisioning you strolling in the plaza with a guitar, crooning in Spanish to your wife, who's wearing a calf length ruffly dress. This is difficult, since I don't know what either of you look like. But I am managing.

Michael Mon Sep 27 10:07:39 2004
Re: I'm not really back....

> ...because I too have a job.

Welcome not back!

> Bravo on the bots, Michael!

Thank you, thank you very much.

> I am only aware of the Puerto Rico of 'Guys and Dolls'
> and thus am envisioning you strolling in the plaza with a guitar, crooning
> in Spanish to your wife, who's wearing a calf length ruffly dress.

That's exactly what we do every evening here, yes. I'm a heck of a crooner. Except I croon in Hungarian.

> But I am
> managing.

This does not surprise me in the least.

gopher Mon Sep 27 15:27:56 2004
Re: I'm not really back....

> ...because I too have a job.

Sounds like a perfect time to goof off on toonbots forums.

Michael Mon Sep 27 22:12:58 2004
Re: I'm not really back....

> Sounds like a perfect time to goof off on toonbots forums.

It's always worked for me.

mouse Wed Oct 6 17:31:44 2004
Re: I'm not really back....

> ...because I too have a job.


> Proof positive that the economy is improving!

ok, now don't go spreading _that_ around - you'll screw up the election.

> I am only aware of the Puerto Rico of 'Guys and Dolls'
> and thus am envisioning you strolling in the plaza with a guitar, crooning
> in Spanish to your wife, who's wearing a calf length ruffly dress. This is
> difficult, since I don't know what either of you look like. But I am
> managing.

ummm - i hate to be a spoilsport, or anything....but i think the trip in 'guys and dolls' was to havana. as in cuba (pre-castro, of course).

for puerto rico, _i_ always picture the sharks, from 'west side story'...which causes problems on all kinds of levels.

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