Toonbots message board: Congratulations!

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Brother Emsworth Mon May 14 08:40:37 2001

I assume you already know, of course, but BoxJam has proven he's not such a jerk by giving "Toonbots" an award and a plug on the site. Of course, he presumably waited 'til you actually requested the thing, so maybe he is a jerk. Ah, well. Not sure if this will increase traffic or anything, partially because it seems that most of those who read the Doole regularly (or at least posrt frequently) already read this, but who knows? There's no such thing as bad propoganda, after all.

Michael Mon May 14 11:07:09 2001
Re: Congratulations!

> I assume you already know, of course, but BoxJam has proven he's not such
> a jerk by giving "Toonbots" an award and a plug on the site. Of
> course, he presumably waited 'til you actually requested the thing, so
> maybe he is a jerk.

He doesn't give the award until you ask. The jerk.

I get roughly 40 hits a day, and BoxJam gets lots more. Thus there are many Doodle readers who don't read Toonbots.

BoxJam Mon May 14 11:45:55 2001
Re: Congratulations!

Congratulations, Michael.

If I weren't a jerk, and I actually was decent and gave out awards without being asked, I'd give you one.

Michael Mon May 14 15:53:13 2001
Re: Congratulations!

> Congratulations, Michael.

> If I weren't a jerk, and I actually was decent and gave out awards without
> being asked, I'd give you one.

Oh, the conjunctive mood, yeah, like that's going to improve our opinions.

nd Tue May 15 07:07:42 2001
Re: Congratulations!

> He doesn't give the award until you ask. The jerk.

As an aside I figure I'll make another useless graphic for folks to clutter their pages with.

If I didn't do everything so half-assed it would prolly look cool. But it won't. Consider this a mighty bestowing upon you of the MCBLARNEYDOUGAL.

As we both know though, once I say I'm gonna do something it takes about 4 months for it to get done...

um... yeah

Michael Tue May 15 11:58:10 2001
Re: Congratulations!

> Consider this a mighty bestowing upon you of the MCBLARNEYDOUGAL.


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