Test script using an external tokenizer with Marpa
This is a proof-of-concept script illustrating how to use the Marpa parser with an external tokenizer. For some background and analysis of how it works, see the main article. A downloadable text version can be found here.

01 use strict; use warnings;
02 use Lingua::Tok::Document::TTX;
03 use Lingua::Tok;
04 use 5.10.0;
05 use Marpa::R2;
07 use Data::Dumper;
08 use utf8;
09 binmode (STDOUT, ":utf8");
11 my $preamble = <<'EOF';
12 :default ::= action => [name,values]
13 lexeme default = latm => 1
14 :start ::= text
15 EOF
17 my @tokens = ('n', 'aa', 'prep', 'unk');
18 my $tlist = join (' | ', @tokens);
20 my $rules = <<"EOF";
21 text ::= heading | salad
22 heading ::= np
23 np ::= n | adjp n | np pp
24 pp ::= prep np
25 adjp ::= aa+
26 salad ::= lex+
27 lex ::= np | $tlist
28 EOF
31 my %types;
32 my $tokens = '';
33 foreach my $token (@tokens) {
34     $types{$token} = '_'.$token unless $token eq 'unk';
35     $tokens .= "$token ::= _$token\n";
36     $tokens .= "_$token ~ 'a'\n";
37 }
39 my $grammar = Marpa::R2::Scanless::G->new({source => \($preamble . $rules . $tokens)});
41 my $extra = Lingua::Lex->new (db => 'extra.lex');
42 $extra->reload('extra_words.txt');
44 my $tok = Lingua::Tok->new (Lingua::Tok::Document::TTX->load('test.ttx'),
45                                   [{rec => ['NUM']},
46                                    $extra,
47                                    {lang => 'DE'},
48                                    {splitter => 'y'},
49                                   ]);
51 my $recce;
52 my @cursent;
53 sub out;
54 while (1) {
55     my $token = $tok->token();
56     last if not defined $token;
57     if (ref $token eq 'ARRAY') {
58         next if $token->[0] eq 'S';
59         if ($token->[0] eq 'FSB') {
60             $recce = Marpa::R2::Scanless::R->new( { grammar => $grammar } );
61             my $input = ' ' x 100;
62             $recce->read(\$input, 0, 0);
63             @cursent = ();
64         } elsif ($token->[0] eq 'FSE') {
65             my $v = $recce->value();
66             out ($$v, @cursent);
67             #while ($v = $recce->value()) {
68             #    print " --- OR ---\n";
69             #    out ($$v, @cursent);
70             #}
71         } else {
72             my $type = $types{$token->[0]} || '_unk';
73             $recce->lexeme_read ($type, 1, 1, scalar @cursent);
74             push @cursent, $token;
75         }
76     } else {
77         die "Hit a non-array token $token";
78     }
79 }
81 sub out {
82     my $v = shift;
83     my $type = shift @$v;
84     my @phrase = ();
85     if (ref $v->[0]) {
86         push @phrase, out (shift @$v, @_) while @$v;
87         my $p = join ' ', @phrase;
88         print "$type\t--> $p\n" unless $type eq 'lex' or $type eq 'text';
89     } else {
90         my $num = $v->[0];
91         my $t = $_[$num];
92         push @phrase, $t->[1];
93         printf "%s\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", $type, $num, $t->[0], $t->[1], $t->[2] || '', $t->[3] || '';
94     }
95     @phrase;
96 }

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